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CFDs on Stocks represent fractional ownership of companies that are publicly traded. Stock markets are simply the venues that facilitate the trading of these companies’ shares between individuals and institutions. Stocks are normally categorized by the country where a company is based. So, for example, Apple is considered a US stock and Adidas is considered a German stock.


Foreign exchange is a global decentralized market where currencies are traded around the clock, 5 days a week. FX is by far the largest and most liquid market in the world. It’s the lifeblood of the global economy, helping resources flow across borders and allowing for highly complex manufacturing processes such as the one that led to the device you’re viewing this on.


If forex is the lubricant that keeps the cogs of global industry running smoothly, commodities like crude oil are the fuel that powers it. Similar to other commodities, oil and gas are so vital to the functioning of the global economy that their price movements are largely driven by supply and demand rather than just pure speculation.


The baby of all asset classes, Bitcoin burst onto the scene in 2009 when an anonymous cryptographer (Satoshi Nakamoto) provided a very elegant solution to several problems that had been stumping computer science for decades. Satoshi solved the problem of digital scarcity and trustless consensus. Bitcoin is the first application of this new technology. It’s the world’s first cryptocurrency and it is revolutionizing finance on its storied journey to acceptance.


An index fund is an instrument that gives investors access to a basket of underlying assets. So, instead of buying or selling one specific stock, you can invest in an index that is itself riding an entire stock market or a basket of currencies. The best known indices track the value of certain global stock markets. The S&P 500 for instance, is an index that tracks the value of the largest 500 publicly traded companies in the United States.


Trading commodities is older than financial markets. It can even be said that commodities trading is older than currency. When trading commodities, you are trading a raw material such as coffee, cotton, wheat, cattle, and more. Many traders choose to trade in commodity futures.

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